God Created Us And Gave Us Brains So We Can Use It (Use Your Brain)

God Created Us And Gave Us Brains So We Can Use It (Use Your Brain!)

People keep saying God created us so we can sing praise and worship to Him, that's the biggest joke of the century... Now let me tell you the truth, God created us and gave us brains so we can use it. If you wanna make God happy use your brain.

The human brain is the greatest creation of God, scientist will tell you that it's a super active computer . Yes that's what it is. When God created humans the greatest gift He gave them was the human brain.

If God wanted musicians He would have created zombies. The fact that He created smart and super intelligent beings means that He wants more. He wants people who can create , people who can build , people who can be useful and make use of their potentials.

Many of you don't understand that we're the physical representative of God right here on Earth, the one and only thing He wants from us is to be useful by using our brains.

You're of no use to God dead, and you're of no use to God in Heaven. Stop lying to yourself that the physical existence doesn't matter, because it's the only thing that does matter. If God wanted you in heaven He would have created you in heaven.

The idea of going to heaven, is the reason many people have refused to use their brains and many are afraid to use their brains. Of what use will you be to heaven since you were completely useless while on earth?

God gave three rules, be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth. Many of us are only multiplying, we are neither fruitful or subduing the earth . No wonder we now have climate crisis, the one special place God gave us we can't keep or take care of. Now we want to run to heaven and do what exactly ?


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