Limitation Brings About Curiosity: We Only Value Things After We've Lost Them

Limitation Brings About Curiosity: We Only Value Things After We've Lost Them

Have you noticed that when ever you have food excess you hardly fall hungry, sometimes you can even forget to eat. But if it's the other way round, when you're having food crisis, that's when you feel the need to eat all the time. You will eat thrice a day and you will still be hungry. Irony of life eh!. It's human nature not to value what they have until they lose it...

For example many of you have never been to the river or bar beach before, even though it won't cost you much to go have some fun swimming with your friends and family. But the moment your freedom is taken from you, let's say you were arrested and sent to jail or you were kidnapped. All you will think about all day is how you never even saw the ocean, how you never felt what it's like to swim in the bar beach. You going to think about the beauty of the Sun and moon at night, in fact you will find yourself asking God to give you one more chance to experience these things you've taken for granted all this time.

If you were never limited to a particular space you won't have ever appreciated your freedom. That freedom to go well ever you want, do what ever you like. Now you would rather give all your wealth just to experience that freedom once again, if possible you will make a deal with the devil just so you can be free again. Isn't it funny how we don't appreciate what we have until we lose them?

Limitation brings about curiosity, and curiosity is an expression of freedom. You don't have to always learn about life the hard way, sometimes common sense is all you need...


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