It All Began The Day I Doubted The Existence Of God

It All Began The Day I Doubted The Existence Of God

It's funny how I was once blind and now I see and how I was once foolish and now I'm wise. It all began the day I doubted the existence of God. The kind of wisdom and knowledge and understanding I have been given access to, Only a few have ever experienced it. Our creator is not a tyrant, HE is a friend and HE will forgive your ignorance and give you wisdom only if you ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK...

When people hear you say things like there is no God and how you doubt if he exist. They get really angry with you, they threaten you with death and tell you how God can kill you for even thinking like that. Lolz... On the other hand, God sees a man/woman on a path of truth, HE forgives the ignorance and then reveal HIMSELF to the person in a special and unique way.

We humans have turn God into a tyrant and a killer who is always thirsty for blood. We use religion and shortsightedness to make God look like a fearsome and scaring being. Well as God is nothing like that, HE is a friend, a husband, a brother, a sister, a mother. HE is all loving and forgiving. Don't be afraid to express your feeling and frustrations to HIM, HE understands and will comfort you with HIS never ending Love.


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