To Embalm or Not? SAY NO TO EMBALMING!

To Embalm or Not? SAY NO TO EMBALMING!

I find this act highly offensive and disrespectful, i came across a picture of a dead man getting embalmed and boom! my mind exploded in rage, i kept asking myself why do we do this? Having a group of doctors and medical students staring at your dead body cut open isn't a nice feeling whatsoever.  I use to think embalming a dead body was a act of preservation, until I did a research and discover that embalming does not preserve a person's body as we are made to believe, in fact it has been discovered that the chemicals use during embalming actually makes the body decompose faster. Apart from just that I think it's morally wrong, a crime against the dead, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be religious, I'm just trying to be sincere. Think about it, someone that doesn't know your relative using sharp knife on their dead body like it's an animal. Besides in some cities around the world it's unlawful to embalm because it puts the public in a risk of disease outbreak, especially when you don't know what actually killed the person in the first place. At this junction I feel embalming is a sin, against the dead. it's a complete disrespect for the dead. it's wrong so so wrong.




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