You Work Hard When You're Young So You Can Enjoy When You're Old

You Work Hard When You're Young So You Can Enjoy When You're Old

The biggest mistake you can make is not planning for your old age. You work when you're young so you can enjoy when you're old.

Alot of people go through life without a proper financial plan for their old age. Many atimes they think it's the responsibility of their children to take care of them when they're old. Well in this present generation that can only happen by luck. What happens when your children start having their own kids? And the financial responsibility in their homes doesn't leave them with extra cash for you ?

I've seen too many old fellas die in pains, regret, and alone. You can't blame their kids for this, life happens in such a way that once people start their own family they tend to forget about their parents. Not because they want to but because the burden of their own family has occupy their minds. So don't put your hope on your kids to take care of you when you're old because you might be disappointed. You have to make a plan, a financial plan to take care of your self when you're old.

There is nothing like retirement when you still have strength flowing through your veins, you can only talk about early retirement when you have made a good financial plan for your life. If not please and please start today, begin to make that financial plan for your old age. Same way you're planning on how to send your kids to the best schools, also make a plan for yourself. It's not a selfish thing to do, infact it's the best thing to do for your life and you will never regret it. Save for the raining days of your life, which is old age. Don't spend all your money solving only issues of the present, save some for yourself.

How do you expect to have a solid say in the lives of your children when they're the ones footing your bills? The moment your children start paying your bills you've lost your sincere voice as a parent. That voice to guide, to correct, to instruct, and to judge fairly. These days most parents can't even correct their kids anymore because they know if they do, that will be the end of the financial support. There is nothing wrong having your children give you financial assistance but to continue to have a say without compromise in their lives you will need to have your own financial backing. Else you will be left to their mercy, always trying not to offend them with the truth. Is this the kinda life you wanna live? Where you can't tell your kids what's right and wrong anymore ?

You work hard when you're young, so you can enjoy when you're old, don't get it twisted...


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