No Business As Sweet And Profitable As Transportation Business

No Business As Sweet And Profitable As Transportation Business

No business is as sweet and profitable as Transportation business... The money is A Sure Banker and there is nothing like no profit day...

Still on the transportation talk. Do you know how much these bus companies make everyday?. So I was thinking, let's say you own an underground train station with super fast trains that can take you from Benin to Lagos in 1hour. Now you have six of these trains with the capacity to carry 1000 people each and the Transport fair is N7,000 and each of these trains do make up to 6trips each daily. Now calculate your profit. Yes the cost of creating the train stations could be up to $500m, but after calculating your profit daily, you will be able to make back your investment capital in less than 3yrs, after that it's pure profit...

The problem is that we are waiting for the Government to do everything. But what we actually need are smart thinkers who can convince the Government and these big cooperations to invest in his or her idea. This is easier than you think, all you need first of all is to create a successful brand for yourself just like Elon Musk did, he already made a name as a co-founder of PayPal, so it was easy to get people and companies to invest in his Electric cars company Tesla and his Space Rocket company. So there is no need wondering if people will invest in your ideas, all you have to do first is create some success stories for yourself first. There are lots of people and companies in this country with plenty of spare money looking for what to invest in, your idea could be what they've been looking for. Even the so called corrupt government will gladly invest in your idea so as to boast of it been done in their time. So keep working on your success stories until your name become a successful brand...


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