For Marriages To Work, We Will Need To Create A New Kind Of Marriage

For Marriages To Work In This Generation, We Will Need To Create A New Kind Of Marriage

After getting married, that's when you discover "forever" is a very long time to be with one person... The human race is becoming more advance and self aware, for this reason it will be impossible to stay married in this generation. Forever is becoming a very long time to keep up with someone's bullshit. This is the reason for divorce everywhere these days.

For marriages to work in this generation, we will need to create a new kind of marriage with a more open minded rules instead of sticking with the old kind of marriage with a closed mind set. Couples will have to be more open minded and flexible.

With the advancement of social technologies e.g social media, dating websites, dating apps. Life is becoming more fun and interactive making it impossible to keep a happy relationship without an unending creativity and craving for fun and adventure. In this generation money and love alone can't keep a relationship. Flexibility and open mindedness will play a huge role.

The whole idea of "I'm a man, you're a woman" , "I'm the head and you should be submissive" can no longer keep a marriage. Women are more self aware and independent these days, so a marriage will have to be a partnership of some sort, with both persons seen as equal and with equal rights and privileges. It's no longer going to be possible for one party to ride over the other, that marriage won't work.

And lastly before you jump into marriage make sure you've seen it all and you've gotten tired of it all. Else be sure your partner share same level of open mindedness and craving towards life as a whole...


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