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Road Map To A Better Nigeria Economy

Don't get me wrong Population has a lot to play in a Country's success, but population alone is not enough. "Delta state" has a population of above 5million people while "Qatar" has a population of just 2million plus people. Both is rich in Crude oil but one is poor the other has one of the best economy in world. I like to think beyond all reasonable doubt that we as a country need to invest much more in quality education and professional skills. Enough of our oversabi, we need to import professional school teachers, university lecturers, mechanical skilled experts, e.t.c. South Korea did this in the 1990s and today south Korea is rich with a stable economy. China did same in the 1990s, today china is almost the biggest world economy. There is no doubt that our educational system is faulty, we need to reeducate ourselves. See no single African country could come up with a Covid-19 vaccine, not even a progress in it's research, this is no surprise because

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