Now I understand that WISDOM is not the same as KNOWLEDGE

Now I understand that WISDOM is not the same as KNOWLEDGE

Now I understand that WISDOM is not the same as KNOWLEDGE... No matter how knowledgeable you are, without wisdom you can't see...

Wisdom is enlightenment, not the accumulation of information, because that is Knowledge.

You don't have to read or study to have wisdom, but knowledge requires you to read and study before you can have it.

The level of your knowledge is base on the amount of information you have, your level of wisdom is base on the amount of enlightenment you've received.

Wisdom is not gotten by zeal, desire or passion, these are what you need to get knowledge. Wisdom is a gift that can only be receive and that can only be given by the Creator.

Knowledge are man made, wisdom is God made. Wisdom shows you the mind of the Creator, wisdom let you see through the eyes of the Creator.

You can't explain wisdom to the closed minded. You can't show wisdom to one who is self blinded. Wisdom is not for the faint hearted. Without patience and understanding, Wisdom can get you killed...

Understanding tells you when to use wisdom, knowledge gives you understanding about things and people. So you see, to become truly wise, you must have all three of them. Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

Of what use is Wisdom if it kills you before you get the opportunity to pass it on? All over history you will find people with wisdom who died because they had no understanding.

Wisdom is blunt, blunt is rude, and rude gets on the nerves of people, people become enemies. And the last thing you want is to create enemies for yourself.

Wisdom come with a trick, no wonder all the great men of wisdom in history were writers. Fiction writers who passed wisdom in disguise ...

No wonder you can't change a Fool by calling him/her a Fool, that will only make them angry and your enemies, even though you meant well.

So how do you change a Fool? It's simple, first of all acknowledge him/her as Wise. Then show them a wiser way to get things done.


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