Same Old Same Old - The Past And The Future Of Nigeria (Africa)

Same Old Same Old - The Past And The Future Of Nigeria (Africa)

It's easier to see the past than the future, since the past is a constant while the future is a probability. There is no certainty as to what the outcome of the future will be, but the past is like an history book all you have to do is flip through it.

1953 was just like every other casual year except the fact that most of your parents weren't even born. Your grand parents were still in their early twenties or thirties at that time. These grannies who now look so old or probably have died were the beautiful good looking ladies of that time. I looked closely at their faces as I try to interact with one, oh same rush, same curves just as ladies are in this time. This is a reminder that in the next 65 or 70years we too would have become history.

You would think 1953 would be any better. As apart from the ladies I tried to look at government structures. Apart from the fact that white men were already exploiting us religiously, alot of blacks were in almost all high place of authority in government, you would think this is good news but it wasn't.

Same old same old, Nigerians in authority weren't different from those in authority now, it was all the same black man brutality to black man. Journalists who were daring found themselves framed up and locked away in prison. It was all same injustice, those in power riding on those who were not.

One of the beautiful things about 1953 I saw was the beautiful train stations, and the people were more United in their support and love for each other. Tribalism wasn't a big topic back then because people were more interested on how to save themselves from the bullying government.

What did I learn from 1953. Well in 1953 the people were united enough to fight off the government and create a new kind of government that was equally distributed to all ethnic groups, but they were afraid to die fighting for this. If this set of Nigerians had done something there would have been no civil war. And we all know the civil war gave power to all the elements that defines wrong to be in government.

65years later and we are still in the mess, nothing has change in terms of Government, in fact it has gotten worst. Now we have same opportunity to put things right, to cause a change in Nigeria we must be ready to sign our death warrant, and know that this fight is unavoidable. Because for change to happen we will have to tear down this government and build a new one.

65years in the future and things will still be messed up, this corruption is still going to be in place and even worst. Is this the kind of future you want your grandchildren to inherit? Why should we make same mistake our fore fathers make?

It's painful to know there is no future for this country as long as we move in this same part. It's either we fight now or live long enough to ripe the repercussions of our indecision. One way or the other this fight is going to happen, and how it happens will determine if the results will be good or bad. Just like the civil war that was a complete waste of blood, because it changed nothing and made things worst.

Many of you now just like in 1953 have this religious believe that this world is not your home and it not worth dying for, so you rather keep mute and watch evil prevail because you believe when you die there is a mansion waiting for you in Heaven. I have a question for you all, "WHY DO YOU GIVE BIRTH TO CHILDREN IF YOU'RE NOT READY TO MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE?". You have no business giving birth to children if you're going to bring them into this same shithole were you plan to do nothing.

Many of you are running to America , to Europe, without reading their history. Their fore fathers fought and die so they can have the life they're living now. This prosperity and progress you see in the western world didn't come cheaply, men paid with their blood and death so they can have the life they have now. Reasons why they treat you like shit when you get there because you're a fool who wants to ripe where he did not sow... Reasons why they're going to continue to treat you all like shit, because that what you all are "A Shit"

I've said my piece, what you do with this information is up to you, evil prevails when good men do nothing. Well back to 1953, just when I was about to start getting comfortable and about making some new friends, Alias I was brought me back to my time. Here I am 2018 and nothing seems to have change. Same old same old.


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