Africa History: How Many Of Us Even Know Our History?

Africa History: How Many Of Us Even Know Our History?

How many of us even know our history?, it's amazing how many of us lack the basic meaning of the word Africa and the thinnest detail of our History, Our Past, Our Pride as black people. We've allowed the world to define who we are and what we should be that we've become ashamed of our very nature. When you don't know who you are the first definition someone tells you is what you believe about yourself, but when you finally come to know who you are, you no longer allow peoples opinion about you define who you are, but rather you define yourself. I think it's time as Africans for us to define ourselves, I think is time for us to tell the world what it actually means to be an Africa. But we must first know our Past, What was Africa like before the Slave trade? What was Africa like before white colonization? who were the kings and who were the Queens? How come we could govern ourselves so well before the white invasion? What were the stories of our Heroes? Why I'm I black? Is black a curse or actually a blessing? What was the position of power Africa held a 1000 years ago in the world? Why is Ethiopia the oldest and most ancient civilizations in the world and How come it's in Africa?

The media, the internet, and most history books, have lied to us and keep lying to us about who we truly are, they keep showing us pictures and drawings of naked black men and monkeys on trees as how history, as how past. No wonder the average African man lacks self confidence, because these mediums have stolen how true identity and have given us Fictional story as and for our history. They've forgotten to mention that the reason why Africans in later years appeared without close was because of the constant and continuous exploitation of the western world and their forceful conquest of great African kingdoms, exploitation of our natural resources, forcefully enslaving our people, forcefully raping our women and the greatest evil; stealing our history and replacing it with their ideology of who they think we are.

If we must make impart, as Africans, as one of the oldest civilization of the world, as the founders of Mathematics, Paper, Science, Art and Craft, then we must show the world that we no longer accept their definition about who we are, we must now tell the world who we are proudly without shame, without shame...


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