Money is not a God, but money is Energy. How do we define energy? it is said that Energy can neither be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another. Good, this proves that money is also an energy, this is why everybody cannot and must not be rich. In fact it is a most that for money to have value some most be poor, and some most be rich. This is way someone is making money and its affecting someone else somewhere who will start losing money. So when you start making money, know that you're making someone else poor and when you start losing money know that you're making someone else rich. Men of earlier years who invented the currency knew that for money to be valuable and for money to have value , money has to become an energy and one man's happiness needed to become another man's sorrow. So a price was made, but it's a fair price because it created an opportunity for everyone to decide whether to be rich or poor. So when your income is more than your expenses you know you're making money, and when your expenses is more than your income your know you're losing money. Back in the days money has taken many forms, from gold to silver to copper to metal to paper. Now money is taking a new form it's called Digital. And this digital for of money is the future of this generation, all those who refuse to leave the paper kind of money will become the poor in the next generation.

Now asked yourself, what's the function of the world bank, why is the world bank so powerful that it can determine if one country is rich and If another is poor. Now another question is, what is the connection the Central bank of each nation have with the World bank, and why does the Central bank have so much power over our Commercial banks and micro banks? . It's a simple question, with a simple answer, like every other form of Energy, it needs to have structure and system, protocols and orders, rules and follow up. Why because like the Electric energy it has the potential to become a weapon for destruction and tool for growth and prosperity. So if money has a system it shows that money has rules and protocols, and if money has rules and protocols then it shows that money is practical and not magical, it shows that there are things you do to either make money or lose money, it also shows that money can be manipulated and tricked for personal advantage. Why I'm I saying all these, because you need to understand money to be able to make money, you need to understand how the system of money works to be able to manipulate and trick money for your own personal advantage. As long as money has a structure and a system, you cannot wake up one morning and become rich, you can not take a printing machine and start printing money, you cannot work up to a tree and start plucking money, instead you begin to develop a plan on how to take these money from those that have it, put it in your pocket and also develop a plan to keep the money in your pocket. If you know how to make money but don't know how to keep it in your pocket you become a form of money, like a medium of money, money passes through you like electricity, instead of becoming a battery that can save electricity you become just a conductor, eventually you become useless and disposable. That why some persons become rich and after a while they suddenly fall so poor, and you begin to wonder what happened, it's because they didn't realize that money is Energy, and if you don't learn how to save it and keep improving your saving techniques it's going to pass through you and eventually leave you empty.

Alot of info about money just pumping into my head, I can write a text book on the subject of money right now, Money should be given a subject in our schools, so people from very tender age can begin to understand money and begin to plan and create strategic tools for it. The difference between a rich man and a wealthy man is that one is a conductor while the other is a power bank,. Some people still think saving money means putting it in your savings bank account or hiding it somewhere in your closet, lolz. 100years years ago that would have been a very good idea, but right now it's the most stupid thing anyone should do. The new form of savings is called Investment, it does have to be on shares, it does have to be on the internet, it should always and most always be on something that never loses value, or something that has alot of value that you can easily trade for more money. Remember I said two things, (1) Something that never loses value, e.g land, gold, e.t.c. (2) Something that presently has value that you can easily sell and make more money. You can not invest long term for things that only have short term value. If something has value now, I invest on it to make profit now, not for future profit, but for now profit. If you go about investing on short term values for long-term profit your are a lazy and a mad man and you will surely lose your money. So long term value for long-term profit and short term value for short term profit. Don't work and allow another man eat all your swet. So I buy a land for a hundred thousand , ten years from now that land has more value, hundred years from now it has even more value. So you buy a modern structured house for four million, ten years from now it has more value but hundred years from now it has no value, because the so called modern house is now an olden days house, the only value it now has is the land, and the land may be too small to give you a good return on your investment, so a grandfather for bought a house for four million and now grandchildren are selling it for the same four million, because what they are actually selling now is the land not the house that had gone out of fashion.Lolz, funny world right?

When you finally come to understand that money is real, this life is real, poverty is real, wealth is real, riches is real, you begin to approach your life with a serious minded approach, I rather remain poor than to become rich and later become poor. When you make this kind of decision you begin to prepare your mind for greatness. If money is an energy, it means it's not a constant and that it will always change form, it will always affect the value of things due to its changing nature, which means I don't have to stick to one way of making money, and if I decide to stick to one way of making money I have to constantly improve that tool and adjust its flexibility so that it can also change form continuously as money do. That's why things are always changing because people are always developing new ways of taking money out of your hand and putting it in their own hand. What is your plan and what method have you developed?

Education is going to play a big role in the future of Africa, so it's a must that the government and the Educational sector begin to improve the Educational sector in Africa, preparing our youths for the shouldering of the future of Africa, so that we can be responsible enough for growth and development to take place.


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