#TheTruth. Fear begat Fear, Lies begat Lies Only the Truth will set you Free!

Just three weeks ago I was invited by a friend to a church, as usual I caught the attention of everyone the moment I entered the church (this is something that happens everywhere I go, don't really know why), at the end of the service as usual first timers were called out and our details were collected, the pastor had to sit us down and specially welcome us to the church, prayed with us and invited us for another Sunday service. You know at this point I was already feeling I was going to hurt this Pastor's feelings if I tell him I was a full member of another church, so I nodded my head likewise the guy beside me and we left. The following Sunday came and I got a call from the pastor asking if I was already on my way, for some reason instead of telling him I was already on my way to my church, I had to lie that I was not in town. We spoke some more and the call ended, I felt bad, one question kept coming to my mind "WHY LIE" he's not going to kill me if I tell him the truth so why was I lying? I asked myself. You know sometimes we're so use to lying that we lie over things that we actually don't need to lie about, sometimes we do it because we feel we're protecting the other person's feeling were as we are only postponing the hurt. So I made up my mind that if the Pastor happens to call again the following Sunday, I will tell him the truth irrespective of how bad he may feel. This morning the pastor called and asked if I was coming, I greeted him and then I said "Sir the truth is that I'm a member of winners and I was invited by a friend to your church the other Sunday" I could feel the disappointment in his voice, but he actually thank me for letting him know and then he said I was always welcome to come to his church anytime. You see people may get hurt when you tell them the truth but the matured ones will always thank you for doing so. SET YOURSELF FREE TODAY, SAY THE TRUTH, it hurts but it's heals as well, the greatest hurt comes when you keep lying to someone and one day they come to realize you've lied to them all along, the person is not just only hurt this time, but you will loose the person for life. Nobody wants to be around a LIAR, Nobody wants to trust a LIAR, Nobody wants to be in a relationship or friendship with a LIAR. People may not be happy about the truth, but they will come to respect you, to trust you, to confide on you, to rely on you, to listen to you. People can actually come to defend you in your absence. People can come to verge for you on your behalf. You see you actually loose nothing by telling the truth, but by telling lies you loose everything!

Many people don't understand the above statement, what it actually means is this "When you want to buy something there is a price to pay right? good! that's what buying means, pay the price needed for the truth. Now when you want to sell something it means you're giving out something in place of something else, good! that's means don't give out or replace the truth for cheap lies, or temporal comfort." Hope you get the picture of what I'm trying to say.

So from now on, make up your mind, and decide, THAT I WOULD BE TRUTHFUL ALWAYS BY ALL MEANS NO MATTER WHAT!

save yourself, say the truth!


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