Who are Heroes? The Secret Truth You Need To Know

Who are Heroes? The Secret Truth You Need To Know

Who are Heroes?
These are men and women who lived ordinary lives, went through same ups and downs, had their brightest days and had their darkest nights, in their eyes they were just living their lives just like you and me, trying to survive, trying to provide for their families and trying to stay alive. A deep look into their lives and you will realize there was nothing really special about them, some of us are even better than they were, but why do history remember them? how come they are now our role models, why? why? why? What was it about them?.

History remember them because even though they had lived ordinary lives they where firm to their believes, ready to die and died for their passion and refused to change their convictions... in a simple word, these where men and women who weren't trying to be anybody else but themselves. Be yourself, Be you, Be original, Stop trying to live the life of other people, live your life, Be Authentic, Be firm to what you believe in, Died for what you're passionate about, then leave the rest for History cause you will be remembered as an hero!

It's painful most people think heroism is a title you attain, I've heard people say "I'm going to be an hero in the future" funny cause people like this will be forgotten quickly once they die. Mother Teresa never woke up one morning and said she was going to be an hero, all she did was be herself, follow her passion and then history made her an hero. The question you should ask yourself is, "will history remember me? who am I? what do I really want from life? what I'm I passionate about? what are my convictions? what can I rather die for than loose? . Your journey truly begins first and firstly by being YOURSELF!!!

#NewageAbundance says so...


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